Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It was a very relaxing weekend

This past weekend was really very nice. Friday Shane and I went to our friend Diane's for Chinese food and a couple glasses of wine. It was really very nice to unwind after a hectic week and visit. Saturday night we met our friend Nicole and her new boyfriend and Casey. Nicole was so excited for Shane and I to meet him and we decided to meet at the Dodo at the Gateway. We visited for almost 3 hours and really had a nice time. Casey was great and it was nice to see Nicole again. You never know how someone will first react when meeting a couple of gay guys. It was clear that Casey could care less.

Sunday was an interesting day. We met up at my parents house with my brothers and sister and planned my fathers obituary. It's really odd and sad to be doing this when your father is with you, providing his suggestions as to what he wants it to say. Without any disagreements we got that done and planned who he wanted to speak and sing at his funeral. I am sure it is comforting to my dad to have that out of the way.

Until next time...