Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Should I feel gUILTY???? NO

Things I love...

I love working from home, I love it even more when my Manager it a day and enjoy Christmas and it is 1:00. I love making cookies, especially my new recipe. I enjoy wine and when you combine the two before 2:00 in the afternoon I love it even more. I love hearing my partner tell me he loves me and wants to grow old together.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

OK...I know! I have been slacking. So, perhaps a several month absence is not considered slacking. What is it considered? Lazy? Perhaps. It seems as though I will need to catch up with page after page of “life” and all that has been happening, I will try to spare you.

I remember once again that when the temperature drops and the snow falls how much I dislike winter and the cold. Although I did ski when I was younger (many, MANY years ago) I have never been a fan. Cross country skiing is ok, I normally enjoy the slower pace and less crowded conditions but I am not out skiing all that often to make winter a blast.

Someday I will be in a place with a climate that is a tad more tepid. Who knows, global warming and all I might just stay put. Although I could not wait to get out of Dodge (aka St. George) when I was younger I could see myself going back. Unfortunately as St. George grows so does the pollution in the air, is this a place that will resemble Salt Lake Cities continuous brown “haze” (cause it’s not pollution if we call it haze) in 10, 20 years?

I have been spending more time in my appointment with Magna Community Council, and have been asked to represent the council in yet another position. Enter A.C.C.T. Association of Community Councils Together. The name says it all, Community Councils from throughout unincorporated Salt Lake County. We meet monthly at the Salt Lake County Government offices to discuss goals, and the big one seems to be House Bill 40 (HB40). The goal…keeping unincorporated Salt Lake County just that way, unincorporated. We held a Legislative dinner a few weeks back to discuss HB40. Our goal is to get the Legislative to leave us alone and allow our individual townships to remain in place.

So far it has been interesting…with some members of the Legislative I wonder how they got there, lets think back…um…Buttars anyone? I have grown to be very fond of Mayor Corroon and Sheriff Winder. They are actually pretty cool people. Wow, never thought I would say that about a Sheriff.

Work, well work is ok. Some changes with my Management and a few laid off in San Jose. I am just thankful to have a job in these trying times. It was sad to see so many that I worked with directly shown the door. My team has challenges, but who doesn’t? It would be boring if it were perfect.

My other half has his challenges with work as well and we had damn well better see some changes in February.

OK, 2 days to Christmas and I am not in the least excited, not even festive. Although the house is decked in lights (12,000 to be exact) and Christmas tree’s (12 to be exact) it’s just been sad not having my dad around. I know it must be much more challenging for my mom since this will be the first time without my dad in over 50 years. We are spending time together as a family on Christmas Eve and will have my mom, her sister and her partner over on Christmas for dinner so I am sure it will be just fine.

I have approached the time when my fingers have tired and my brain is asking for a beer. I am weak and give in with little fight. Until next time, and I promise it will not be when it is 80 outside. Ciao!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

WOW…that’s all I can say. At what age do you approach getting “old”? Over 20?

Well, for me yesterday was “the” day, I hit 4 0!!! It’s not so much getting older, but it’s seeing that number…a big 4 0. As much as I was not looking forward to the birthday, Shane really outdid himself and planned a wonderful evening. His mom’s birthday was on May 5th so we celebrated both together and it was great. Shane made an incredible lasagna and garlic bread. We had a refreshing salad and some really, REALLY great desserts. One being my favorite, lemon cake.

The theme for presents seemed to resolve around birds (anything to do with the Magpie building a nest in our pine tree??) I received several bird feeders and a killer humming bird feeder. Bryan made a couple of really cool birdhouses that will hang in our trees in the backyard. Shane’s parents gave me a much desired and retired Department 56 piece and an awesome bird bath. A couple of cards from his Grandparents included enough to get my Starbucks fix for a few weeks. All in all, PERFECT!!! I am truly blessed and lucky to have such a loving and thoughtful family and partner!!

As Chrissy put it, it was also a lucky day. Miah was offered a new job after many weeks of interviews, our sweet nephew won 1st place in a Thomas the Train scrapbooking contest (thanks to very talented family members and his MOM) so he now gets free tickets to ride the Heber Valley Railroad, dubbed Tomas the Train.

However, a phone call at the party also brought some bad news, but news that was to be expected. My dad is not doing well at all. His heart rate was down to 38 and the nurse visiting from hospice said he may have just two months left with us. Months earlier we wanted him to make it to his 79th birthday. Since May 10th is so close it is pretty certain he will easily pull that off. Now, the next goal for the family is that he will be here for his wedding anniversary on July 15th. I have faith and hope that he will be.

I also found out yesterday that eBay’s Community Development wants me to travel to Chicago in June for eBay Live. This will be nice to pick it up under that budget and I look forward to visiting Chicago. I have never been and eBay Live is always exhilarating.

Wow, two posts in two days…I am on a roll.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I need to get better at this Blog thing, and post more often.

I must say, I am thankful spring is here and it has been rather pleasant. Nice warm days and cool evenings. I love going outside on our patio at night, listening to the fountain and seeing the bright stars in the night sky. It certainly makes you thankful for so many things that so many take for granted. A backyard, a fountain, eyesight to see the beautiful stars and hearing that can pick up the sound of the fountain and the horses behind the fence.

We are possibly going to the lovely town of Antimony for a day or so over Memorial weekend. This is my Dads hometown and a place I have visited my entire life. It brings positive memories for the most part except for a step aunt from hell and her husband that seems to have misplaced his spine some years back. The only reason why I consider making the 3 hour commute south is because my aunt and the majority of my dad’s family will be staying at the world famous Rockin R Ranch with a promise that no one will be visiting the old family homestead.

I am very much looking forward to Shane’s family vacation in June. The entire family will be renting a large condo in Durango Colorado for several glorious days. It’s always a wonderful time and I look forward to the train ride into Silverton, one of my all time favorite places. I have been all around the globe and find such comfort in the very small but amazing community. It is breathtaking!!

Welcome back to Lorene, I hope you enjoyed your free trip to Hawaii.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It was a very relaxing weekend

This past weekend was really very nice. Friday Shane and I went to our friend Diane's for Chinese food and a couple glasses of wine. It was really very nice to unwind after a hectic week and visit. Saturday night we met our friend Nicole and her new boyfriend and Casey. Nicole was so excited for Shane and I to meet him and we decided to meet at the Dodo at the Gateway. We visited for almost 3 hours and really had a nice time. Casey was great and it was nice to see Nicole again. You never know how someone will first react when meeting a couple of gay guys. It was clear that Casey could care less.

Sunday was an interesting day. We met up at my parents house with my brothers and sister and planned my fathers obituary. It's really odd and sad to be doing this when your father is with you, providing his suggestions as to what he wants it to say. Without any disagreements we got that done and planned who he wanted to speak and sing at his funeral. I am sure it is comforting to my dad to have that out of the way.

Until next time...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It’s been a crazy few weeks. After several years of poor health my Uncle passed away. Although it’s sad when this happens, the fact that he is no longer in pain is a good thing for him and his wife and family. It was really nice seeing family members I have not seen for years and I certainly enjoyed catching up on all that’s going on.

So after hugs and kisses and the lovely “funeral” luncheon at the local ward house, I awake on Monday to all the signs of a cold. By Monday afternoon it hit full force and has me on my ass for the remainder of the week. Although I still have remnants in my head and chest, I am feeling much better.

Last night we went to Shane’s parents for a St. Patrick’s Day party. We enjoyed all of the fixings, mashed potatoes loaded with melted cheese, pork that melted in your mouth, rolls with honey butter that must be laced with crack and veggies. We all helped Shane’s Nephew, Preston around the house on his search the hidden treasure. He was certainly not happy with the end result, 6 boxes of Lucky Charms. He really did expect Grandma to have a small Leprechaun or at least a pot of gold, not Rice Crispy treats. All in all it was a really nice time with family.

We worked on completing all of the plans for our family vacation to Durango and Silverton Colorado in June. We have secured a condo that has enough bedrooms and bathrooms for the entire family. After renting Condo’s for our last family vacation in Steamboat Springs last year, this is the only way to go.

My Dad is doing ok. He has his good days and his bad days but one thing I NEVER hear him do is complain. In fact, come to think about it I can’t recall ever hearing him complain as long as I can remember. I have learned a lot from my Dad, regretfully, that’s not one of my strengths. He has taught me to be a good, honest person and that you should treat others with respect. I feel I do that well, especially as I grow older.

Well, that’s all I have for now.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stand back, I'm getting sentimental

So, Shane and I spent the weekend at the Homestead Resort in Midway, Utah. We went with two wonderful friends, Kathie and Diane. The time together was splendid and the weather could not have been better. Saturday started with a killer breakfast at Ruth's Diner up Emigration Canyon, then on up to the Homestead, spending Saturday afternoon Cross Country skiing at Wasatch Mountain State Park.

Now, considering it's January and the weather has been balls cold but it could not have been a better day. In fact it was a perfect winter day. Clean air, blue skies and warm. We skied in short sleeve shirts and were perfectly comfortable. Later that night we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Snake Creek Grill in Heber City. I would recommend this place to anyone at any time, it's fantastic!

Sunday morning was almost too perfect. Brunch at the Homestead Resort, a lovely melody from the Baby Grand piano, a real fire roaring in the wood burning fireplace and close to 30 deer outside the picture windows walking in the light falling snow. Really, a storybook setting.

As I took a breather I was thinking of just how blessed Shane and I are. We have wonderful accepting friends and family. We have the luxuries in life to spend a weekend away from home, if only for a night, when so many people just don't have this opportunity in life. We live comfortably and have great jobs. I am blessed to live in the State that I do. Although the air can be toxic it is an amazing state. I am blessed to live in the United States of America. I have traveled throughout Europe and parts of Eastern Europe. We have spent time in Canada and Mexico and can say I love the U.S and the freedoms we have.

We can put gas in our cars and have a nice warm home. We can buy the groceries we need, plus some. All in all we are blessed. I hope that more of us take a second to stop and look around at what you have and feel the same. We truly are very, very lucky.

The end.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I would marry Heidi Klum

It's true...if Shane was not in the picture and it truly was a possibility, I would marry Heidi Klum. OK, so there is the small "gay issue" but that aside...hell, screw the gay thing, she is HOT.

So, Body for Life is going well. Very well. I hit a plateau with my weight and have been sitting at 200 lbs for a couple of weeks now. That's ok. I am still getting up in the morning to exercise, I am still eating well and feel so much better. I will keep on keepin' on, heading to my goal by May 7th.

The best thing was my recent visit to American Eagle on Saturday. Shane was working and I was bored so I headed to the mall. Now, in all actuality I don't do this often, but I felt like shopping. I thought I would go buy a pair or two of jeans size 34x32.

Thinking there was no way in hell these would fit, having these on hand for when they will in a month or so would be a bonus. What do you know...they actually fit and they fit NOW. So, this helps build my desire to stay on course and motivated to make sure I do this.

Next up...a 5k or half marathon. I am not a runner and don't quite enjoy running. But I have been thinking more and more about such a goal. My fear is myself, telling myself I am not ready or can't do it. I suppose this is when I just go for it, telling myself I will not fail. I have the support of great friends and a partner so time will tell.

We are heading to the Homestead resort in Midway, Utah this weekend for a nice get away. Cross country skiing on Saturday, dinner at the Snake Creek Grill on Saturday night and a nice relaxing evening with friends. Hopefully all of the exercising over the weeks will assure I do not succumb to a long painful grueling death by skis on Saturday.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I am doing Body for Life

Wow...I am on fire, a second post within a month. Perhaps I will keep this up??

So, I have a friend that decided he needed this ripping body before he and his wife head to Vegas in March. For several weeks I listened to him talk about Body for Life. Then, a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving my employer decides to extend to employees in Salt Lake City a challenge of such. It sounded pretty simple, maintain your weight throughout the holidays.

Now, think about this one. You have the joy of weighing in at work and sharing your oh so lovely number with those co-workers around you. Why not! So, I took it one step further. I started Body for Life the week before Thanksgiving. With my friend, and a couple of other co-workers our small group of four signed up with a goal of maintaining weight.

With the help of my partner Shane I set up my daily menu's for the first month and off I went. Not only was I eating absolute foreign foods such as cottage cheese and powerbars I started working out. My goal was to go from 222 pounds to 200 pounds by New Years. Although I was shy of my goal by three pounds I was still completely jazzed that I have lost what I did and have maintained Body for Life.

Something else happened on the way. Turns out, the room to the east of our family room truly did not house the revolutionary clothes hanger 3200 and moving walkway, it was actually a full on weight system and Pro Form treadmill. I utilize this equipment fairly regularly and I am now running. Granted, after several weeks I am not running marathons, closer to half marathons. But hell, I am up to 2 miles.

Not only have I now lost 20 pounds, my clothes fit better, my pants are not tight and I actually had to buy belts. The kicker, I feel so, so much better. I turn 40 in May and have made it my goal to look and feel better at 40 than I have since high school. I am half way there and half way to my goal weight.

I will continue to post on my success. A thanks to my friend Eric for introducing me to Body for Life and encouraging me to go for this. Now, I hope my friend Jeremy who started the same day I did is doing as well. Something about cops and doughnuts???

Friday, January 11, 2008

And it's here

So, for years my friends have asked and asked, Chet...for lord sakes BLOG. I am not a big reader, never have been. So, you think I am any better with a Blog? I will certainly give it a try. Afterall, my Myspace account was a total flop. I have 3,851 friend requests from Natasha. Who knows, maybe she really is hot?