Thursday, May 8, 2008

WOW…that’s all I can say. At what age do you approach getting “old”? Over 20?

Well, for me yesterday was “the” day, I hit 4 0!!! It’s not so much getting older, but it’s seeing that number…a big 4 0. As much as I was not looking forward to the birthday, Shane really outdid himself and planned a wonderful evening. His mom’s birthday was on May 5th so we celebrated both together and it was great. Shane made an incredible lasagna and garlic bread. We had a refreshing salad and some really, REALLY great desserts. One being my favorite, lemon cake.

The theme for presents seemed to resolve around birds (anything to do with the Magpie building a nest in our pine tree??) I received several bird feeders and a killer humming bird feeder. Bryan made a couple of really cool birdhouses that will hang in our trees in the backyard. Shane’s parents gave me a much desired and retired Department 56 piece and an awesome bird bath. A couple of cards from his Grandparents included enough to get my Starbucks fix for a few weeks. All in all, PERFECT!!! I am truly blessed and lucky to have such a loving and thoughtful family and partner!!

As Chrissy put it, it was also a lucky day. Miah was offered a new job after many weeks of interviews, our sweet nephew won 1st place in a Thomas the Train scrapbooking contest (thanks to very talented family members and his MOM) so he now gets free tickets to ride the Heber Valley Railroad, dubbed Tomas the Train.

However, a phone call at the party also brought some bad news, but news that was to be expected. My dad is not doing well at all. His heart rate was down to 38 and the nurse visiting from hospice said he may have just two months left with us. Months earlier we wanted him to make it to his 79th birthday. Since May 10th is so close it is pretty certain he will easily pull that off. Now, the next goal for the family is that he will be here for his wedding anniversary on July 15th. I have faith and hope that he will be.

I also found out yesterday that eBay’s Community Development wants me to travel to Chicago in June for eBay Live. This will be nice to pick it up under that budget and I look forward to visiting Chicago. I have never been and eBay Live is always exhilarating.

Wow, two posts in two days…I am on a roll.


Toni said...

Again, I am a shitty friend. Happy big 40! It's not too bad to be 40, but you just wait and see what we have planned for 50!

Love ya!

Toni said...

Oh and I'm sorry about your dad.

Jennie said...

Hey!!! I didn't even know you had a blog! Thanks for the comment. I know my crazy little boy, what do ya do??

Oh and Britt and I went to school together. She's a year younger than me and we've been keeping in touch recently. Her photography blog is linked to mine. You should check it out.

How do you know Britt??

Do you care if I link you to my blog??

Jennie said...

By the way--Happy Birthday!! Hope it was a good one. And another thing I'm now realizing that I don't know which Brittany you are talking about. I have two friends named Brittany that went to Good Things Utah with me. Do you mean Brittany (Riley) Passay or Brittany (Ortiz) Griffel?

teeker said...

Jennie...Please feel free to link my Blog. I can't remember Britt's last name. One of them lives (lived) out by us in Magna. I htink her husband is Don and she sold real estate??

Hope to see you guys soon.

I am going to try that oreo cookies recipe...sounds GOOD!!!